Decrypting laboratory glassware washer: common problems and solutions

In the laboratory,the lab glassware washer is a common equipment that can better clean experimental equipment and reagent bottles.However,during the use of laboratory cleaning machine,there are some common problems that may affect its performance and effectiveness.This article will explore there issues and provide solutions to help you use it better.

1.The problem of cleaning agent residue:Sometimes after cleaning the experimental equipment,there may still be cleaning agent residue,which may have a negative impact on the experimental results.

Solution: Make sure you are using the correct amount of cleaning agent and follow the manufacturer’s instructionsto adjust the cleaning program appropriately, including cleaning time and temperature. In addition, additional rinsing steps are performed to ensure better removal of detergent residues.

2.Water quality problems:Poor water quality may cause scale mats and water stains,reducing the cleaning effect.

Solution:Use a high-quality water source, such as deionized water or reverse osmosis water, to reduce the occurrence of water quality problems. Regularly maintain the water treatment system, replace filters and clean nozzles to ensure pure water quality

3.Failure and damage: After being used for a long time, the laboratory bottle washer may malfunction or parts may be damaged.

Solution:Perform regular maintenance and repairs and replace severely worn parts according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Check the condition and functionality of the cleaning machine before use to ensure that all parts are working properly. If a fault is found, contact professional technicians for repair in time.

4.Operation errors: Improper operation may cause the cleaning machine to fail to work properly or cause other problems.

Solution: Read the lab bottle cleaning machine’s operating manual carefully and follow the instructions for correct operation. Train and remind laboratory staff to follow correct procedures and safety regulations. Conduct regular operating skills training to ensure correct operation of the cleaning machine.

5.Safety Issues: Washing machines involve chemicals and high temperatures, which can cause accidents and injuries if not handled with care.

Solution: Implement necessary safety measures, including wearing personal protective equipment (such as gloves, goggles) and following safe chemical handling procedures. Ensure that the cleaning machine equipment is safe and reliable, and that there are safety control systems and emergency stop devices.

By recognizing and solving these problems, we can make better use of laboratory cleaning machines to ensure the cleanliness of experimental equipment and the accuracy of experimental results. Only by using and maintaining the cleaning machine correctly can we maximize its efficiency and provide reliable support for experimental work.

Post time: Oct-23-2023