Laboratory glassware washer operating guide:full analysis of use, care and maintenance

Laboratory glassware washer is a laboratory equipment used to clean laboratory utensils.It is often used in industrial production lines or in the catering industry to clean large quantities of utensils efficiency.Use water and detergent to remove dirt and bacteria from the surface of the utensils to ensure it meets hygiene standards.The specific operation method and design will vary,but generally include steps such as pre-rinsing,cleaning,rinsing and drying.The lab glassware washing machine has a high degree of automation,which can save manpower,save time and improve the cleaning effect.

Operating guide:

1.Preparation:Place the bottle to be cleaned in the lab bottle washer as required to ensure that there are no residues.

2.Select the program:Choose the appropriate cleaning program according to the type of bottle and the degree of dirt.Common program include standard,powerful,etc.

3.Add detergent:According to the instructions,add an appropriate amount of detergent the bottle washer.Pay attention to follow safe operating regulations.

4. Start the bottle washer: Close the bottle washer door and press the start button to start the cleaning process.

5. Complete cleaning: Wait for the bottle washer to complete the cleaning process and ensure that the bottle is clean and free of dirt.

6. Take out the bottles: openthe door, take out the cleaned bottles, be careful not to touch the internal parts of the bottle washer

After-use maintenance guide:

1. Clean the inside of the bottle washer: After each use, thoroughly clean the inside of the bottle washer, including the filter, nozzle, sink and other components. Use warm water and detergent to clean to ensure no residue.

2. Regular maintenance: Follow the recommendations in the instruction manual and perform regular maintenance work, such as replacing filters, checking pipe connections, etc.

3. Keep it dry: When the bottle washer is not in use, make sure it is dry inside to avoid bacterial growth. The door can be opened and ventilated for a period of time.

4. Regular calibration: Calibrate the time, temperature and cleaning procedures regularly as needed to ensure normal operation.

5. Pay attention to safety: When using the washing machine, follow the operating regulations and avoid placing fingers or other objects close to moving parts.

By following the above operating instructions and post-use maintenance instructions, you can give full play to the convenience and effectiveness of the intelligent bottle washing machine, while extending its service life and ensuring the hygiene and efficiency of the bottle washing process.


Post time: Dec-19-2023